Nutanix NCSE Level 1 Exam Prep Notes Part – 4

This is the “NCSE Level 1 Exam Prep Notes Part – 4” blog that covers the questions and answers I used for brainstorming and self-learning. Furthermore, the remaining once will follow in subsequent posts. Please note, these notes are based on the recommended topics mention in NCSE level 1 blueprint, the topics covered are such as

Questions & Answers – Part 4

59Can node with different CPU generations can be part of the same cluster?
ANodes that use different CPU generations can be mixed in the same cluster. 
60Is it supported to mixing node within the same cluster with multiple hardware vendors?
AMixing nodes within the same cluster from multiple hardware vendors are not supported. 
61Can RDMA enabled and not enabled node to be part of the same cluster?
ANodes that have RDMA enabled cannot be mixed in the same cluster with nodes that do not have RDMA enabled
62Can same cluster host node with NVMe drives and SSD/HDD drives
ANodes that contain NVMe drives cannot be mixed in the same cluster with hybrid SSD/HDD nodes.
63Can same cluster host node with NVMEe  and an all-SSD node that do not contain NVMe drives
ANodes that contain NVMe drives can be mixed in the same cluster with all-SSD nodes that do not contain NVMe drives
64What is the criteria for mixing all-SSD nodes and hybrid SSD/HDD nodes
AA minimum of two all-SSD nodes is required in mixed all-flash/hybrid clusters. – The minimum number of each node type (all-SSD/hybrid) must be equal to the cluster redundancy factor. For example, clusters with a redundancy factor of 2 must have a minimum of 2 hybrid and 2 all-SSD nodes. – Availability should also be considered when mixing all-SSD and hybrid nodes to ensure the minimum amount of SSD storage required for the workloads in the event of all-SSD node failure
65Can the nodes with different amount storage capacity part of the same cluster ?
AThe minimum number of each node type must be equal to the cluster redundancy factor. For example, clusters with a redundancy factor of 2 must have a minimum of 2 storage-heavy nodes. – Availability should also be considered when mixing nodes to ensure the minimum amount of total storage required for the workloads in the event of storage-heavy node failure (RF2) or failures (RF3). – When mixing storage-light hybrid nodes with storage-heavy hybrid nodes, it is best practice to have an equal or greater amount of SSD capacity in each storage-heavy node as each storage-light node.
66Does Nutanix support DARE through self-encrypting SSDs and HDDs
67What is the list of software-based encryption supported  hypervisors with Nutanix ?
AAHV, ESXi and Hyper-V
68what is a block in Nutanix
AA block is a rack-mountable enclosure that contains one to four Nutanix nodes, The power supplies, front control panels (ears), backplane, and fans are shared by all nodes in a block
69What are the benefits of block fault tolerance?
AWith block fault tolerance enabled, guest VMs can continue to run with a block failure because redundant copies of guest VM data and metadata exist on other blocks.
70What is the most important item the SE must have in place with the prospect before moving forward with a POC
ADefined and measurable success criteria
NCSE Level 1 Exam Prep Notes Part – 4

Summary & Next Steps

Clearly, for passing the exam, the topics covered part of these QA notes is not enough. However, this could be a good starting point for you to get deep into each of the topics. Additionally, I would strongly recommend you to read the remaining part also to get the full scenarios and topics.

For remaining part of this NCSE-Level 1 series, please visit section Nutanix. Happy learning

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